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Drawing on hope

Words: Anne-Marie Hoeve

Illustrations: Various

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Cartoons have a compelling power. Able to condense complex issues in a single image, they can inspire new ways of seeing the world around us. And so we invited cartoonists from around the world to respond to the most pressing of questions today: How do we bridge the racism chasm?

Vivid, bold, moving and hopeful, the images we received are like a visual salve for the hurt inherent in racism. The submissions we received from cartoonists in over 20 countries across the globe are a testimony to the universal scale of the problem. It is clear that racism affects all of us.

While each image is entirely unique in style and concept, together they speak of a united belief in the strength of our shared human bond, and the ability to overcome prejudice and look beyond colour. The overarching message? Yes, an inclusive and equal world should be possible. The first step is to envisage it. The second? To share the vision.

Here is our pick of five images that lead the way:

Miguel Morales Madrigal, Cuba.

Miguel Morales Madrigal: “The colour of the skin does not define who we are. It makes us physically different, but beyond the skin, we are all made of flesh and bones. Human beings should not be judged by their race or skin colour, but by the colour of their feelings. Men and women should look deeper, to where our true essence lies: the soul. There, the virtues flourish in different colours, but together in harmony they define the true human being.”

Sanouni Imad, Morocco.

Sanouni Imad: “My idea boils down to the fact that in the beginning we are all born human, we drink from the same bottle of humanity. We enjoy the same humanity. We were innocent, we had no idea about the geographic area where we were born, no idea about our religion, or our colour. We were simply human. The cursed racism makes us wean and forces us to live in an unsociable society. Let’s stay human despite our differences! Coexistence is easier to live with than racism.”

Anne Derenne, France.

Anne Derenne: “We all share the DNA of humanity. We may have different cultures, different religions and different skin tones, but in the end we all belong to one human race. We should stand together against racism and work together to build a better society based on equality and solidarity.”

Fadi Abou Hassan/Faditoon, Norway.

Fadi Abou Hassan/Faditoon: “No to racism. Despite the different colours of our skin, together we are against racism. With brotherhood, love, cooperation and a respect for others in our societies, we will rise!”

Dino, Greece.

Dino: “The idea came from education as a solution to racism. I’m seeing a bunch of books with colourful covers and I’m projecting it to human relations. Every book is different, every book has a story to tell and they are all part of our library – with education as the stabiliser in a worldwide scale to bring equality and peace of mind.”

This series of cartoons was produced in collaboration with Cartoon Movement. If you would like to have one to decorate your home or office, you can order it by sending an email to [email protected].
