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Policy Plan Stichting 5 Media

April 2021


5 is a non-profit, impact media foundation whose aim is to be a catalyst for positive change. 5 offers storytelling about sustainable initiatives that can inspire others to come to action and offers support in marketing and financially in the form of grants to initiatives working to create a more sustainable future.

Taking form as a digital media platform 5 is offering digital content and podcasts about how conscious capitalism responds to Natures’ call. Furthermore, 5 is planning to organise physical events bringing together people in order to co-create solutions to some of the world’s most pressing challenges and to inspire one another.

This policy plan reflects the period from the moment of founding up to and including the end of 2021. In addition to this policy plan, the articles of organization are available for public consultation.


5 is employing 12 employees working out of two offices in Copenhagen and Amsterdam. The management team consists of Executive Director Mie Dahlquist, CFO Anne Dorthe Hermansen and Visual Director Martha Johansen.

The organization of Stichting 5 Media has a board of three members.


  • Ms Laura DeVere (chairman)
  • Mr Tswi Rodrigues Pereira
  • Mr Chris van Leeuwen

Payment of the Board

The Board is involved on a voluntary basis and does not receive any remuneration for its work. The costs incurred by a board member in the performance of his duties can be reimbursed.


The objective of 5 is to bridge the gap between thinkers and doers in order to accelerate change and co-create a more sustainable future. 5 empowers and supports people and projects with the potential to make a significant impact and elevate their important stories. By finding and connecting the right people to the right resources 5 aims to fuel change building, in the long-term, a sustainable platform for change.

In short 5 aims to accelerate change in 3 different ways:

  1. Elevating sustainable initiatives and the awareness of the causes we fight for with storytelling on the 5 platform;
  2. Connecting people and resources and building a community of engaged members who wants to contribute.
  3. Financial support of sustainable initiatives in the form of grants.


As the main goal is to be a catalyst for impact and positive change we want to collaborate with like minded initiatives to establish long term partnerships with a range of strong and carefully selected partners. This can be impact initiatives we support, other media platforms, community or impact investment organisations. If we support the partners financially by providing grants, these agreements will be documented in an agreement and will need to be approved by the Board of 5.

Operational Policy

5 Media will maintain the highest level of integrity and transparency, exist solely for philanthropic purposes, and recycle any and all monetary returns back into the organization for the purpose of creating an evergreen fund overtime as it continues to support, non governmental organizations and social businesses. The Stichting (foundation) does not exist to make a profit and any profits that are made as a result of its stated activities will be reinvested in the foundation.

Income and expenses


Currently 5 Media is receiving funding from private investors that share our vision to be a catalyst for change. Our 5 year plan is to realize revenue in 2025 across different revenue streams such as events, memberships and donations.


All income received or generated by 5 Media is used directly for the support and realisation of its objective. 5 Media strives to spend its income as much as possible within the year it has been received or generated and in accordance with its objective. At the same time, 5 Media does not want to exclude the possibility of supporting long-term projects (such as the testing of different revenue streams or the identification of potential for an optimally sustainable business model) that require multi-year financial planning and support. 5 Media can build up a reserve for this.

Management of funds

5 Media receives and spends its income through a bank account. Any return on that account is used directly for the realisation of its objective.

In accordance with the requirements for the Dutch charity status (‘ANBI-status’, in particular artikel 1a, eerste lid, onderdeel d jo. Artikel 1b Uitvoeringsregeling Algemene wet inzake rijksbelastingen 1994), 5 Media does not hold more capital than is reasonably necessary for the continuity of its planned activities in view of the realisation of its objective. Further, 5 Media specifies the purpose for which the assets are held in its financial administration, together with a motivation for the value of those assets.

Financial Policy

Once per year, the annual accounts will be published within six months after the end of the calendar year. This is in accordance with the articles of Stichting 5 Media. In general, the annual accounts are prepared compliant with article 640 of the degree for annual reporting (de Richtlijn van de Raad voor de Jaarverslaglegging voor organisaties zonder winststreven) The annual account will be approved and confirmed by the board of Stichting 5 Media.

On behalf of Stichting 5 Media:

Laura DeVere

Chairman of the Board
