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Just by closing your eyes, thinking back, your mind reverberates with chipper sound bites from countless motivational climate TED talks, telling you that:

“the solutions are ready and available”, “change is at hand – and its rate is exponential”, “it’s really just a matter of implementation” – “we can do it – together” – if only “we harness the enterprising spirit of humanity and rise to the challenge”.

But somehow the words make you feel uneasy. Not because of their perfectly good intentions. But because of their apparent disconnect with reality. Surely, if it were that easy, we’d be closer to the “safe operating space” (SOS) for humanity by now? 

Fortunately the tale of climate hope and despair can be told differently – using other explanatory keys. Culture and psychology have largely been overlooked so far, and by illuminating and including these factors, entire new avenues for change open up to us. 

Throw in AI and the polarising effects of the attention economy, and it’s a heady cocktail. One best served short, sweet, and with plenty of time for questions at the end. It might not make for the time of your life, but it’s your lifetime. Make it count.

Daniel Flendt Dreesen is Imagine5’s designated keynote speaker. He draws on years of experience teaching and speaking climate literacy in business schools and organisations. Each year he prepares a presentation on climate developments, and topical engagements can be arranged upon request.

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