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Nature in neon

A psychedelic take on Iceland’s iconic horses

Photos: Gareth McConnell

Words: Cecily Layzell

Icelandic horses lit up in different colors giving a psychedelic effect Icelandic horses lit up in different colors giving a psychedelic effect
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Gareth McConnell combines psychedelia and surrealism in captivating images of Icelandic horses.

Icelandic horses are the stuff of legends. Brought to Iceland by the Vikings a thousand years ago, the hardy equines have been an integral part of Icelandic life for generations and are closely tied to the island’s rich mythology.

Iceland’s sagas are filled with references to the animals who, it was believed, pulled the sun across the sky each day. To this day, Icelandic horses are such revered members of the population that they each have their own social security number.

London-based photographer Gareth McConnell has often leaned towards nature and the surreal in his work. For this series, titled simply The Horses, he wanted to make us look at these symbolic creatures differently.

He used lights and gels to produce psychedelic flashes of color and swirling lines that are as alluring and unrestrained as the animals themselves.

Reflecting on the series, which was shot in Iceland’s Suðurland region in 2022 when the war in Ukraine was escalating and the climate crisis dominated the news, McConnell says: “I felt it was such a powerful metaphor for what is happening in the world with our broken bond with nature”.

However, he is keen to discourage only a “dark reading” of the photos. “The older you get… the more the dots start joining together. This felt like it was an expansion of that [earlier work] into some kind of cosmic wonderment or nature worship.”

An icelandic horse on a black background standing in a pink and yellow hue of color
Profile shot of a horse lit up in all blue
Close-up of a horses face bathed in colors of yellow, pink, and blue
An Icelandic horse looking straight at the camera lit up in hues of pink, yellow, blue, and green.
Hose on a dark background lit up in red
Out of focus horse lit up in pink and yellow
Icelandic horse shot in a studio background bathed in colors of blue, white, yellow, and green.
Close-up of an Icelandic horse. Its mane covers its eyes. The colors of the light are red, yellow, blue, and white.
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