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G’day mate!

These Aussie spiders lure lovers with their amazing abdominal art

Words: Anne-Marie Hoeve

Photos: Maria Fernanda Cardoso

peacock spiders australia peacock spiders australia
Maratus volans
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How to catch the attention of the opposite sex? Australia’s tiny peacock spiders have it down to an art. With backsides designed to dazzle, they simply love to shake their thing and show it off, with all eight eyes on the prize.

They are the world’s most flamboyant – and flirtatious – arachnids: Australia’s jumping maratus spiders, also known as ‘peacock’ spiders, for the magnificent patterns on the males’ posteriors.

Once a female is spotted, it’s showtime, and they kick off the courtship ritual by waiving their two front legs, followed by an elaborate booty-shaking dance.

Measuring only 4-6mm in size, these tiny spiders are smaller than a grain of rice, so to fully appreciate the incredible aesthetics on display on this tiny living canvas, artist Maria Fernanda Cardoso used microscopic deep focus photographs to zoom in on each of the spiders’ colored scales.

“He is colorful and outlandish, she is not. He tries really hard to get her, she watches him. Hard to please females have driven the maratus males to such extremes that they are the probably the first ever performance artists: they dance and choreography, drum and sing, all at the same time as they wave their colorful tails,” Cardoso explains.

The Colombian-born artist lives in Australia and is known for blending nature, art, science and technology to explore the connections between society and the natural world.

peacock spiders australia

Maratus speciosus

peacock spiders australia

Maratus splendens

peacock spiders australia

Maratus vespertilio

peacock spiders australia

Maratus pavonis

peacock spiders australia

Maratus plumosus

peacock spiders australia

Maratus madelineae

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Maratus lobatus

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Maratus karrie

peacock spiders australia

Maratus elephans

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Maratus christatus

peacock spiders australia

Maratus calcitrans

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Maratus bubo

peacock spiders australia

Maratus australis

peacock spiders australia

Maratus anomalus

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Maratus amabilis

peacock spiders australia

Watch Maria Fernanda Cardoso share her fascination for maratus spiders.
Photo: Jillian Nalty

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