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You got the look

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We all want to look good. But, in a world where fast fashion and the future of the planet are far from a seamless fit, let’s embrace our inner cool and get creative with what we already own.

Getting dressed: it’s one of the first things we do every morning. We rise and then set ourselves up to shine, expressing who we are, or how we’re feeling through our clothes. They are visible extensions of our identity. Do we want to stand out or blend in?

But what does what we choose to wear really say about us? And our values? With a global industry producing an endless cycle of new trends – items designed with a limited shelf life in mind – it’s worth asking ourselves if we need to (and want to) buy into this thing called fashion.

Especially considering the price we pay for this, as a planet.

The fashion industry is responsible for about 10% of global CO2e emissions, more than aviation and shipping combined. On top of that, the average consumer is purchasing 60% more items of clothing compared to 20 years ago but each garment is kept half as long. Much of it – up to 85% – ends up in landfill.

This doesn’t have to define us. 

So why not free yourself from fashion and own your style instead? Because the coolest look is the one you have. How’s that for the ultimate sartorial statement?

Explore what’s already in your wardrobe. Mix and match new combinations or reconnect with long-lost favourites. Style it up, style it down: do what feels good, you have all you need.

You’ve got the look.

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