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Apartment complex surrounded by trees. An example of how rewilding can be incorporated in an urban environment. Apartment complex surrounded by trees. An example of how rewilding can be incorporated in an urban environment.

10 things you can do to make the world wilder

Words: Robert Langkjær-Bain

Main photo: Photo: Abstract Aerial Art

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The world’s ecosystems are under threat. To protect and restore them, we need to put nature back in charge. It’s called rewilding. Here’s what you can do to help.

1. Call on your leaders to restore nature

We can’t restore nature alone. We have to do it together. Demand that your representatives make ecological restoration a top priority. Join the Wild Foundation’s Survival Revolution campaign, calling on world leaders to protect and restore half the earth’s land and seas.

A tent set up in scenic surroundings by a river in Faia Brava in Portugal. An example of tourism and rewilding efforts being combined.

Faia Brava in Portugal is one of the locations you can visit with the European Safari Company. Photo: Juan Carlos Muñoz / Rewilding Europe.

2. Get out and enjoy the wild

Helping make the world wilder is as easy as taking a holiday. Why not include a visit to a rewilding area in your next trip? European Safari Company offers unforgettable experiences in Italy, Portugal, Romania and more, where you can encounter bison, bears, vultures, eagles, chamois and wild horses. You’ll be helping fund rewilding and supporting the nature-based economies that make it all possible.

3. Become a zoologist – on your phone

Download the ZSL Instant Wild app and start helping scientists right now, by identifying animals caught on camera in the wild. New photos are coming in all the time from sites around the world, showing everything from iguanas to ocelots and jaguars to giraffes. Anyone can help: just look through the latest photos and match what you see to the correct species using the examples provided. Don’t worry about making mistakes – every image gets tagged by multiple users, so the “wisdom of the crowd” wins out. Just dive in and go with your best guess!

Two volunteers with Rewilding Apennines removing barbed wire from a wildlife corridor in Italy.

Volunteers with Rewilding Apennines remove barbed wire from a wildlife corridor in Italy. Photo: Bruno D’Amicis / Rewilding Europe.

4. Volunteer

Get involved in an organisation that supports rewilding. Get in touch with a rewilding project in your area, submit your details to Rewilding Europe’s volunteer database or join the Young Rewilders Community, Europe’s next generation of conservationists.

A mix of wildflowers planted in a garden showing how rewilding can also be done in your own backyard

Flowers at Uppark House and Garden, England. Photo: Annie Spratt

5. Start at home

Even on a small scale, you can encourage nature to thrive. Learn how to let nature go crazy in your own garden, courtyard or balcony. If you have a larger area of land, maybe you can become part of a true rewilding project by joining the European Rewilding Network or one of the various local networks.

6. Give

By donating to Rewilding Europe you can support the return of animals like lynx and bears, by helping create “corridors” for them to move safely between wild areas, or creating the right conditions for smaller animals they prey on.

A tote bag filled with groceries. The groceries we buy can contribute to deforestation, the depletion of fish stocks, or the degradation of agricultural soils which is countering rewilding efforts.

What you buy makes a difference. Photo: The Creative Exchange IG / Unsplash

7. Make restoration-friendly choices

The products and services we choose every day can contribute to deforestation, the depletion of fish stocks or the degradation of agricultural soils. Find out about the origin and impact of what you buy, and make choices that are in line with the restoration of nature.

8. Spread the word

Help get the word out about the importance of restoring nature, and the great work being done to make it happen. Share Rewilding Europe’s call to action for a wilder Europe. Follow organisations like @WildFoundation, @RewildingEurope and @Rewilding on social media for great #rewilding stories.

A red deer doing a mating call. An example of one of the species being protected by rewilding efforts made in Europe.

The work of rewilding organisations supports species such as the red deer. Photo: Bruno D’Amicis / Rewilding Europe

9. Partner with a rewilding organisation

Businesses that share the principles of rewilding can become part of the European Rewilding Network, connecting rewilding-related initiatives and helping them exchange information, expertise and resources. And any business can become a corporate partner to a rewilding organisation.

Canoeing in the Oder Delta – just one of the experiences offered by the European Safari Company. Solvin Zankl / Rewilding Europe.

10. Build rewilding into your business

If your business works with nature tourism, learn how to make the most of it, and ensure that your activities heal nature instead of harming it. Nature-based tourism is a key piece of the rewilding puzzle, and Rewilding Europe runs training for everyone from nature managers, architects, designers, salespeople and educators.

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