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Host of the explainer series Kiana sitting on a couch Host of the explainer series Kiana sitting on a couch


What are social tipping points?

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You may have heard of climate tipping points – cumulative changes in Earth’s systems with immense ramifications beyond a critical threshold. So what are social tipping points? And how can they power progress? Watch this explainer to find out.

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Data scientist and environmentalist Kiana Kazemi explains.

Our rapidly warming world demands vast societal change to help stabilize the climate. While the pace of progress can seem frustratingly slow, research shows that once we reach a critical mass of only 25% of the population, new norms can be adopted by the rest with surprising speed.

These are known as social tipping points. Check out our video to find out more about what they are, how they work and why they might be our best hope against climate change.

Watch our other explainers on the circular economy, fast fashion, greenwashing and carbon offsets for a quick way to amp up your environmental knowhow.

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