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Imagine5 magazine

Sustainable change is happening and we’ve got over 180 pages of proof in our latest magazine, with Hollywood stars, top-tier chefs, climate hip hop, easy habit hacks and much much more.
Imagine5 Magazine Volume3 (1)
Imagine5 Magazine Purchase 2023 David Byrne
Imagine5 Magazine Volume1 1 (1)
Imagine5 magazine – volume 3

Viggo Mortensen on escaping to the woods, Sophia Roe on conscious comfort food, and an eco psychologist on caring for yourself and the planet. All in the latest edition of the Imagine5 magazine! We also offer a digital edition.

Imagine5 magazine – volume 2

With 180 pages of impact from cover to cover, including thought-provoking interviews, innovative solutions and awe-inspiring images, our new magazine is one for readers to keep coming back to. We also offer a digital edition.

Imagine5 magazine bundle – volume 2 and 3

Get our two latest magazines in one bundle, for a special price. We also offer the bundle as a digital edition.

Imagine5 magazine – volume 1 (Out of stock)
Imagine5 Magazine Volume 1

Jane Goodall on hope, plus the scientist who turned to climate comedy, life in a Swedish eco village, sustainable cities, gamifying transport, and much, much more – all packed into 160 pages of engaging stories and breathtaking images.


Magazine stockists

If you’d rather pick up a copy near you, explore our list of stockists here. We’re in stores (almost) all around the world! If you’re interested in stocking the Imagine5 magazine(s) in your space or purchasing at wholesale price for a partnership/event, please email us at

The impact of this magazine

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We produce this magazine once a year to share stories that inspire positive change. Producing the magazine has an environmental impact, including the paper (which is FSC and Nordic ecolabel certified), printing, shipping and emissions related to our general operations and those of our suppliers. We now also offer digital editions to further minimize impact on the environment.

For each copy of the magazine, we estimate the carbon footprint to be similar to running a bath or eating a vegan pizza (and that’s not taking into account contributions to projects designed to compensate for emissions). The more people get to enjoy each copy, the lower the impact per person. Help us make the most of it by sharing your copy when you’re done!
