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The Copenhagen startup making cafe culture circular


kleen hub aims to change our throwaway culture, one coffee cup at a time, by offering a sustainable, reusable alternative to all of those single-use containers at cafes and takeaways.


Their solution comes in the form of stainless steel mugs and food containers you can borrow, use and return countless times in a planet-friendly circular loop. A free smartphone app keeps track of items in circulation.

kleen hub co-founders: Simone Favorito, Robert Dichtl and Giuseppe Lanzafame. Photo: Kasper Kristoffersen

“The problem is not just plastic, but more in general our habit with single-use items”

kleen hub co-founder Giuseppe Lanzafame

Having such a system in place makes going green the easy option, preventing thousands of single use coffee cups and containers from entering the waste stream.


5 Media is partnering with Copenhagen startup kleen hub as one of our inaugural Local Heroes. To help advance their mission, we are working together over the coming year to get more people thinking about and using circular options at coffee shops and restaurants.

With this stainless-steel solution, there’s no need for single-use cups. Photo: Kasper Kristoffersen

“Communication goes hand in hand with action. In partnering with 5 Media we can give a stronger voice to our service,” says kleen hub co-founder Giuseppe Lanzafame. 

Check out kleen hub’s website
