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These days many organisations find themselves pressured by sustainability demands from multiple angles. New taxes, laws and regulations. Supply chain demand and public scrutiny. Teams split between the willing and the reticent, if not the downright change-averse. 

In a European context, these demands aren’t going away. After CSRD we expect the CSDDD to “tighten the screw” even more, while welcoming numerous sector-specific regulations (and their exact interpretations).

It’s important to approach all this with the right attitude. EU law might feel like a burdensome compliance-regime. But maybe that’s because environmental legislation has been too permissive for years.

Maybe these changes were overdue, and the only way to benefit from them is by leaning further in? In that case we need a reset of our approach, and a reframing of our entire enterprise. And to do that as a diverse team and work collective is never easy.

This is another area where Imagine5 can help. 

By outlining and analysing the coming demands, and identifying exactly what it means for your sector, we can map your risks and potentials, and make sure that a new green purpose is implemented all throughout your organisation – with the support of every team member.

Because systemic challenge calls for systemic solutions.

Sounds interesting?

Follow the link below for more information.
